Monday, December 14, 2020








                                          _____ANTON CHKOV

1.    Write a brief character sketch of Lomov.

Answer. Lomov is the hero of the Play “The Proposal” of Anton Chekov. The original title of the one-act play is ‘A Marriage Proposal’.

Lomov is of thirty-five years of old. He thought that it is the right rather passing age for marriage. He suffers from palpitation. He is ready to settle down to lead a quiet and regular life. Despite his ailment he is prosperous and rich farmer. This makes Chubukov secretly wish him to marry his daughter Natalya. Lomov was however hesitant to ask for her hand from Chubukov. That made him beat around the bush, argue with Natalya and leave without proposing.

 Thus, we can find that Lomov’s conditions overpower the other traits he has. He is an eligible, assertive, rich bachelor who will be liked by any girl.

2.    Give a brief character sketch of Natalya?

Answer. Natalya is the heroine of the Play “The Proposal” of Anton Chekov. The original title of the one-act play is ‘A Marriage Proposal’.

Natalya is twenty-five years old and she is the daughter of Chubukov. She was a good housekeeper, not to bad look at and educated, that was why, Lomov wanted to marry her. She could be a good wife to him. Natalya wishes that somebody should love her and propose her. Her father calls a love sick cat.

She secretly loves Lommov. She is greedy and quarrel with little matter. She is as rigid as Lomov and she is ready to marry Lomov though she disagrees with him about all the matters just for money.

                                                                     Sujoy Debnath(PRT)

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